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SheSharp is a non-profit foundation that makes it easier for all women and non-binary people to enter, stay, and grow in the Tech industry.

We are dedicated to fostering diversity and inclusion in technology by elevating and empowering underrepresented genders in our community, hosting events, and facilitating programmes. 

Join us to build meaningful connections, expand your knowledge, explore new horizons, and be inspired by our diverse and supportive community.


Our events and initiatives

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Where to find us

the Netherlands

on Slack

  • slack-logo-transparent

Writing Code on

Connect with us

  • Slack - Our Online Community
  • Meetup - our events
  • YouTube - Recordings of Past Events
  • LinkedIn - Social Network
  • X - Social Network
  • Instagram - Social Network
  • Facebook - Social Network
  • GitHub - our code repository
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