SheSharp's Slack Community
Connect with more than 1,000 community members online in our global Slack community.
We have channels dedicated to supporting one another and discussing opportunities and events with our community here. Besides chatting together online, our community joins together in Amsterdam during the last week of every month for a casual coworking day.
If you are interested in joining our in-person events, take a look at our Meetup to see what is coming up.
Join our Slack community to...
Connect with other women and non-binary individuals in Tech
There are over 1,100 people in our diverse Slack community. They're from a wide range of countries, professional and educational backgrounds, and tenure in the industry. Jump into one of our channels to meet (#introductions), discuss top of mind topics (#general), ask for help (#help-me-out), celebrate each other (#wins), or even share pictures of your pets (#pets)!
Get priority consideration for SheSharp programs
SheSharp's programs are built with our community in mind. If you're an active member of our Slack, you'll be prioritised in our programs' application process. Plus, you'll be the first to hear about program cohort launches!
Level up your career with curated resources and opportunities
SheSharp shares tons of resources and opportunities to help you enter, stay, and grow in the tech industry. If you're on the job hunt, our #job-board and #opportunities channels can help you in your next career move. Otherwise, channels like #learning, #help-me-out, and #parenthood-and-career can support your growth in your current role.
Our Slack community is where Sharpies (that's what we call SheSharp members!) can connect, support, and learn from one another.
We uphold a code of conduct to ensure that the community is safe and inclusive for everyone.